"Русская Монархия 2010" (ч. 19) Ганова Людмила. Роман. Аудиокнига.
Novel "RUSSIAN MONARCHY - 2010" Writer Ganova Ludmila (18+) https://journalism21stcentury.news.blog/
Ganova Ludmila Author of novel «RUSSIAN MONARCHY»-2010 about restoration of legitimate Royal Monarchy of Romanovs by example of Spain and transfer of political power to Royal Successors / book about illegitimate political power in Russia 1918 — 2018 based on murder Emperor family of Romanovs in Russia, absence of legal international assessment of political murders.
Аудиокниги Подкасты "РУССКАЯ МОНАРХИЯ 2010" Гановой Людмилы / AudioBooks, Podcasts "RUSSIAN MONARCHY 2010" of Ganova Ludmila